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Simply Ask Aromatherapy

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Copyright 2005: Simply Ask Aromatherapy - All Rights Reserved

Chemical Structure

Chemical Structure

Properties of Ketones in Essential Oils

Properties of Ketones in Essential Oils

Contained in:

Contained in:

Mucolytic i.e. eases the secretion of mucous, so helpful for upper respiratory complaints,

immuno-stimulant, stimulates new cell growth and wound healing.

Certain ketones are known to be toxic, so this chemical group is regarded with a degree of caution.

(It is misleading to generalize about the toxicity of individual chemical components without knowing the exact ratio of the substance in relation to other chemicals in the whole oil).

Certain essences, however, do contain appreciable quantities of Toxic ketones, so should be avoided by lay people.

Toxic Ketones include:

Pulegone (pennyroyal).

Thujone (Mugwort, tansy, wormwood and common sage).

Non-toxic ketones include:

Jasmone, (jasmine)

Fenchone (sweet fennel and camphor)

The ketones found in lavender, hyssop and patchouli, stimulate cell regeneration

Mucolytic i.e. eases the secretion of mucous, so helpful for upper respiratory complaints,

immuno-stimulant, stimulates new cell growth and wound healing.

Certain ketones are known to be toxic, so this chemical group is regarded with a degree of caution.

(It is misleading to generalize about the toxicity of individual chemical components without knowing the exact ratio of the substance in relation to other chemicals in the whole oil).

Certain essences, however, do contain appreciable quantities of Toxic ketones, so should be avoided by lay people.

Toxic Ketones include:

Pulegone (pennyroyal).

Thujone (Mugwort, tansy, wormwood and common sage).

Non-toxic ketones include:

Jasmone, (jasmine)

Fenchone (sweet fennel and camphor)

The ketones found in lavender, hyssop and patchouli, stimulate cell regeneration

Camphor Eucalyptus globulus




Camphor Eucalyptus globulus




